Project Developments Made Possible through the Province of Alberta Grant Funding

Phase 1 project development included fundamental feasibility planning documentation funded in partnership through the Province of Alberta, Regional Collaborative Grant Program award (2013-2014 1 year):

1. Project Development Plan - 

2. Site Development Plan

3. Regulatory Plan

4. Communication Plan

Phase 11 development included an approved Governance Model which was made possible through funding received in partnership with the Province of Alberta, Regional Collaborative Grant Fund - Governance Grant Funding (3 year grant awarded 2013 - 2016)

Phase 111 development included the Executive Summary and Detailed Business Plan completed June 2016 made possible through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Funding Grant (2014 - 2015)

Phase IV development included the Transportation Study and Waste Analysis Study made possible through the Federal Canadian Municipalities Green Fund (2016 - 2018)

Phase V development included the Siting Expression of Interest, Siting Geotechnical Analysis Project, and Site Selection made possible through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Funding grant (2018 - 2020)

Phase VI development included the Site Economic Study made possible through the CARES Grant Fund (2019 - 2021)

Phase VII development included the Energy-from-Waste Facility Investor Expression of Interest and selection of preferred development partner (2020 - 2022)

Phase VIII development of Memorandum of Understanding with preferred investment partner in progress (2023)




Energy-from-Waste (EfW or waste-to-energy) facilities offer a safe, technologically advanced means of waste disposal while also generating clean, renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting recycling through the recovery of metals. According to a 2012 whitepaper released by Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), energy-from-waste facilities "are economically sound investments that provide multiple financial and environmental benefits to the communities that utilize them."