The Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association (SAEWA) is a non-profit coalition of municipal entities and waste management jurisdictions in southern Alberta committed to the research and implementation of ENERGY RECOVERY from non-recyclable waste materials that will REDUCE long term reliance on landfills. Established in 2009, SAEWA is seeking to foster sustainable waste management practices that contribute to our society's overall resource efficiency and environmental responsibility. SAEWA is in the final planning stages to develop an Energy-from-Waste Facility that will handle the conversion of municipal and other sources of solid waste into energy.

Enabling energy markets of tomorrow The Heads of Delegation reaffirmed the importance of integrated energy markets as part of open, flexible, competitive and transparent global energy markets. They also recognized the need for continued and substantial investments in energy infrastructure and discussed G7 governments’ role in addressing investment barriers. They noted the importance of community engagement and meaningful dialogue to build public confidence in energy projects, including through consultation with women, youth and Indigenous groups. Heads of Delegation expressed their intent to pursue energy market integration as well as measures that will achieve more dynamic, transparent and competitive energy markets and more predictable energy trade. In this regard, they reiterated the importance of greater flexibility of commercial clauses in LNG contracts, including relaxation of destination restrictions, and similar restrictive mechanisms. To this end, they encouraged the sharing of information, on a voluntary basis, of private sector and regulatory best practices.